The Vermont Jersey Breeders Association (VJBA) is a membership organization of about 200 individuals who have a common interest in Registered Jersey cattle. Membership is available as a lifetime membership or an annual membership.
We gather for our annual meeting in the winter and a picnic in the summer, compete for prizes at local, state and national shows throughout the year and manage the Vermont State Sale in the fall. We also routinely exhibit at the Vermont Farm Show held each January in Barre.
For more information on membership in the organization, contact Secretary Claire Stanley by calling 802/827-6145 or emailing

National Jersey Activities
The VJBA hosted the annual meetings of the American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey Inc. in 1981 and 1998 and the meetings in 2012 in New Hampshire with fellow New England Jersey breeders.
Vermont Jersey breeders are movers and shakers in the dairy industry. Four Jersey breeders have been named Master Breeder by the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA) and three have earned the organization's Distinguished Service Award. Thirteen breeders have earned the AJCA Young Jersey Breeder award since it was first given in 1976. Click here for a complete list of these individuals.
Registered Jerseys bred by Vermont dairy producers have been named National Grand Champion and topped several high-visibility national Jersey sales over the years. Billings Top Rosanne (exhibited by The Billings Farm and Rosanne Syndicate of Woodstock) was tapped National Grand Champion in 1988 and 1989.
In 2019, Vermont junior Megan Hill of Bristol exhibited Four-Hills Velocity Gloriana to Grand Champion laurels of the International Junior Jersey Show. At the All American Junior Jersey Show a month later, "Gloriana" was named Overall Premier Performance Cow and won the Sunbow Farms Trophy for high protein production. Megan was also named Premier Breeder and received the Dutch Hollow Trophy for best bred and owned animal of the show, Four-Hill Impresion Galaxy 5597-ET.

Four-Hills Velocity Gloriana
Grand Champion, International Junior Jersey Show, 2019
Overall Premier Performance Winner, All American Junior Jersey Show, 2018
Sunbow Farms Trophy Winner, All American Junior Jersey Show
Owned by Megan Hill, Bristol

State Achievements
Lucky Hill Farm, Danville, leads the state for production with a 2020 AJCA herd average of 17,308 lbs. milk, 893 lbs. fat and 656 lbs. protein on 155 cows. The Richardson Family Farm, Woodstock, ranks second with an average of 16,854 lbs. milk, 875 lbs. fat and 660 lbs. protein on 48 cows.
Lucky Hill farm also leads the state for genetic merit and ranks #11 in the nation for Jersey Performance Index (JPI) with a herd average JPI of +44 (12/20) on 171 cows (98% genotyped).
Vermont - which is known for creating award-winning cheese - claims four Jersey breeders who are producing award-winning All-Jersey cheeses and marketing them with the Queen of Quality label: Billings Farm & Museum of Woodstock, Blythedale Farm of Corinth, Farms for City Kids Foundation of Reading and Grafton Village Cheese of Brattleboro. Another Vermont cheesemaker who crafts award-winning cheese from Jersey milk is Cobb Hill Cheese in Hartland.

Award Recipients 2019
Harold Wright Distinguished Service Award
Jason Johnson, Northwood, NH
Goodrich Milk Production Award
Lucky Hill Dividend Beechnut
25,892M 1,170F, 881P at 3-9
Owned by Lucky Hill Farm, Danville
Goodrich Fat Production Award
Lucky Hill David Jordana
21,598M, 1,194F, 881P at 4-10
Owned by Lucky Hill Farm, Danville
In the News
Poulin Farms, Newport
Feature Article, October 2020, Jersey Journal